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Кулланучы бәхәсе:Untifler/Archive 2004

Битнең эчтәлекләре башка телләрдә бирелми.
Wikipedia — ирекле энциклопедия проектыннан ([http://tt.chped.com.ttcysuttlart1999.aylandirow.tmf.org.ru/wiki/Untifler/Archive 2004 latin yazuında])

Bu arxiv 2003-2004. yıllarda bulğan bäxäslär öçen.:

Hi, I see you are doing a lot of work here. If you need sysop access, please ask at m:Requests for permissions. You'd be able to translate the interface then. I wasn't sure if you wanted MediaWiki:Mainpage to point to Täwge Bit (where it is now) or Baş säxifä (which you mentioned on recent changes). Angela 16:58, 1 Jun 2004 (UTC)

...but how to change interface?

Go to Special:Allmessages. There you see a list of the various texts that exist for in the interface. It is a table with three columns. In the first column, there is the name of the interface text, which is a link to the page where you (as a sysop) can change it. The second column gives the original text, the third column the current text. Use the link in the first column, and you get that text as a normal Wikipedia page, which you can edit (but non-sysops cannot).

Other things you can do as a sysop:

  • On Special:Specialpages, you have the option to block a user or IP-address, this link is also on Special:Recentchanges
  • If you check the difference between the last and the last-but-one edit, there is a 'rollback' link, which allows you to immediately go back to the last-but-one one.
  • You can delete pages. The link for that is one of the additional ones on the top of the page
  • You can protect or unprotect pages. This is also a link on the top of the page. If a page is protected, only sysops can edit it. Standard the message in the MediaWiki-namespace (the system texts) are set protected, the others are set not protected.
  • You can see deleted pages through a link on Special:Specialpages, and restore them if the deletion was unwarranted.

Feel free to ask further questions, you may use my user discussion page on meta: or nl: to do so. - Andre Engels 12:46, 6 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Weird! I have made you a sysop according to the list at test Wikipedia, but you were not noted as a sysop on the User list here. It should be okay now. - 14:18, 11 Jun 2004 (UTC)

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http://tt.chped.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Rclistfrom $1 waqıttan soñ bulğan üzgärmälär.

http://tt.chped.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Readonly Biremlek yabıldı

İñ berençelär alarında aylarnıñ isemnären tärcemäläp atası bar.

Re your questions on my userpage:

  1. You have been made a bureaucrat
  2. "How to change an image?" - I am not sure what you mean here. If you mean changing the image, just upload the new version. If you mean changing the name, there is unfortunately no other way than to upload it under the new name, then delete the old one. If it's about the logo, please get back to me - I have to check that myself.
  3. The absence of Special:Allmessages has been submitted as a bug by Hashar, see [1]. I hope it will be repaired soon, until then you can find messages on MediaWiki:All_messages.

- Andre Engels 20:40, 17 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Hi, Untifler!

Thank you for your suggestions!

In the article et:Tatarstani Vabariik (this is not my article (essentially still a stub) but written by Egon, Urmas, myself and others) the rayons are arranged according to their Estonian names. The Tatar and Russian names are given in brackets. In Estonian, the rayons also can be named after their Tatar names. When articles are written on them, both forms will be cited. Perhaps also they will cited in a special article about the administrative division of Tatarstan. The Tatar names coincide with the list in Tatarstan rayonnarı except that rayonı

You can find Estonian and other place names of Tatarstan here. The start page of that resource is here.

The Estonian form for Qazan is Kaasan, and in it the first stress is stressed. By the way, in Moskva the first syllable is stressed as well. The name Kaasan is that familiar that it is part of the Estonian language.

Riik means 'state' indeed. Vabariik (i.e., "free state") is 'republic', kuningriik is 'kingdom', hertsogiriik is 'duchy', and the word khaaniriik follows the same pattern. Andres 19:57, 18 Jun 2004 (UTC)

  1. Thanks, André! As for image - I meaned Wikipedian logo. Can you help to change it? How to delete old logo?
  2. Hi Andres! Tatar is more related to Éstonian, than Russian. So Tatar sounds is better to Estonian text: Estonian names for Tatar rayons (English plural Rayons, Tatar plural Rayonnar, Estonian - Rayon'id ?) mistakely based on transliterated Russian to Estonian. But Tatar names is more official for Tatarstan than Russian and thed do not need in transliteration.
  3. Why Estonian Wikipedia is so big?
Hi, Untifler! Sorry for not looking at your talk page before!
As to the words "khaan" 'khan' and "khaaniriik" 'khanate', they are established Estonian words and it is very hard to change them. We are bound to use Estonian language as they are. The beginning of these words is pronounced differently than in the corresponding Russian and probably Tatar words (I think most people pronounce them as "kaan", "kaaniriik"). The sound used in Russian in that word doesn't exist in Estonian. We only have the sound "h" as in the English word here. The same sound occurs between vowels in three different durations. Probably "haan" and "haaniriik" would be more appropriate terms but for some historical reasons (which I don't know) we have other words. In the beginning of words "hh" never is used in Estonian.
1. I only now noticed that our logo has been changed. In order to have the logo changed you have to submit the Tatar the text of the logo to this page which you already found. But please write there not only the word WİKİPEDİÄ but also the Tatar for The Free Encyclopedia: İrekle énsíklopädiä or whatever is the wording you would like to see in the logo. But then it might take long before they change the logo.
2. The word "rajoon" is not a proper name but an Estonian word for Tatar Rayon. There used to be rayons in Estonia too.
3. The Estonian Wikipedia is relatively big because we have several people who have eagerly contributed to it. Andres 16:56, 24 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Untifler, Taríxí waqíğalar bitendäge läñkerlärne tutırası bar. Min ürnäklärne yasap quydım inde. Bu täqwim äzerlängän bulsa, här keşe berençe bitennän ağımdağı kön öçen täqwimne üze tutıra alır. Täqwimne äzerlärgä genä qala. Bu eş awır tügel, copy/paste kebek, ämma fälän waqıt alır älbättä.

1. Template:ĞínwarTäqwime (en:Template:JanuaryCalendar, en:Template:FebruaryCalendar, w.b.ş.) biten ürnäk itep alıp, menä bu bitlärne yasarğa kiräk:


2. Annarı Febräl biten ürnäk itep här ay öçen bit äzerlärgä.

3. Wä axırında 1. Febräl biten ürnäk itep här kön öçen bit äzerlärgä.

Bu eşne eşläp quysañ, Wiki yaqınça 400 bitkä üsep kitär ;)

--Al Beri 20:34, 20 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Sälâm, Albert!

Bu eşne yasçaqmın. Ämmä... Ber ayda tügel. Minda xäzer yaña proyéktta qatnaşam (Wikidän tış ul tüläwsez tügel). Bu

==Globalization and National Originality. Forum of Languages==

digän sayt. Xäzer php uqím, säxifä eşlim.

Albert! Bayt ul bit fizik berämlek! Anı böten tellärdä bertigez yazarğa kiräk!

Total tärcemä öçen bik zur räxmät! --Çernobılbalası 20:48, 20 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Untifler isemle bürokrat, siña eş kilde. Berär Wiki-developer'nı tabıp, LanguageTt.php biremen Wiki'ğa totaştırırğa. Bu m:LanguageTt.php bireme CSV'ğa yöklände inde (André'ğa räxmätem).

--Al Beri 05:04, 22 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Niçek anı aktiv yasarğa?[вики-текстны үзгәртү]

m.d.q.: Talk:Urıs xalqı

Berär developernı tabıp/totıp sora inde, mäsälän en:User:Brion. Anda äle upperCase/lowerCase funksísın üzgärtäse bar (niçek itäsen min añlamadım, ämma mömkinlek bar anda), çönki «i–›İ/I-›ı». Bu bezgä genä tügel, monı Töreklärgä dä yasarğa kiräk, bu alarda da haman tözätelmägän tora. Annarı {{CURRENTMONTH}} almaştırması ay isemen Tatarça çığarırğa tieş, min alarnı WikiMedia aşa tärcemälädem, ämma alar nişläpter totılmí (şul LanguageTt.php biremendä närsäder üzgärtergä kiräk axrısı).


--Çernobılbalası 12:16, 26 Jul 2004 (UTC)

You can change the font in MediaWiki:Monobook.css. But what you have to put there, I do not know. You might want to put your question to wikitech-l. - Andre Engels 17:03, 3 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Regarding your questions on my userpage: How to define those capital letters, I do not know either. I don't know whether it is possible at all. The second problem with the disappearance of translations is an error that should be easy to repair. Ask some developer or on a mailing list. - Andre Engels 14:48, 25 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Telläşterü mäsäläsen çişü buyınça qaldırılğan xatımnı qara, cawap ta bulmadı, CVS ta yañartılmadı. Bu .php birem yañartılğaç, anı äle säxifägä totaştırırğa da kiräk bulır, sin bu mäs'äläne küz aldında totıp, islärenä kiterep gel quptarıp tor äle: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.science.linguistics.wikipedia.technical/

s.u. yañartılğan ürçätkeçlär: Kön mäqälä ürçätkeçe, Yıl mäqälä ürçätkeçe

--al Beri 18:11, 25 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Monda nindider tärtip tözärgä kiräk[вики-текстны үзгәртү]

Säläm iptäş! Uylarım:

1. Şäxeslär isemlegeQaharmannar kük tezmälärne alıpbaru ul wikidä iskärgän närsä inde, anıñ urınına Category: qullanırğa kiräk, bar tezmälär automat räweşendä tözelergä tieş (kiläçäktä Category'nıñ tärcemäse Cíıntıq: bulır dip uylím); Cíıntıqlarnıñ tulı tezmäsenä baq: Special:Categories: Category:Şäxeslär wä başqalar...

2. Şäxeslär turında mäqäläne kiläçäktä İsem Näsel-iseme itep isemlärgä täqdim itäm, ata isemen mäqälä isemenä kertmiçä, çönki alay itep bitlärne berbersenä totaştırırğa ciñelräk. Mäqäläneñ üzendä isä isemen älbätta tulısınça birergä, ämma Tatarça birergä, yäğni ata iseme näsel isemennän soñ öçençe urında quyılırğa tieş: Mintimer Şäymi Şärip ulı. İsem buyınça tağın ber täqdim: urıs -ov/-ev/-ski sıman qoyırıqlarnı isemnärdän xämzä bilgese belän ayırırğa: Sälix Säydäş, Säydäşev tügel; Ğabdulla Tuqay, Tuqayev tügel…

3. Mäqälädä bar bulğan yıllarnı häresen qısalarğa salırğa, çönki alay şul yılda bulğan waqíğalarnı ezläw küpkä ciñelräk bula, yıl mäqäläsenä kerep, äsbäptirädäge «Kem bäyle moña» östenä basasıñ da, şul yılğa bäylängän mäqälälär tezmäse kürsätelep bireler. Yıl unlığı şulay bulsın: 1990. yıllar, ğasırlar isä şulay: 20. yöz. Yıl mäqäläse älbättä noqtasıs bulırğa tieş. Yıllar arası: 1991.-1994. yä ki 1991.-94.

Yapon tele mäqäläsendä ber xata yasadıñ, Törki tellärdä Moğol yazıla, Monğol tügel. mongol yazu ul Batış ğädäte.

Mixail Xudákov mäqäläsendäge «Malmıc»nı «Malmıj» itep üzgärtüeñ xata ide, çönki ul Tatar süze: mal ~= baylıq; mıc ~= bik küp. mäsälän: mıclanu, mıc kilü. xäzer alay törle qortlar turında äytälär. monnan tış, Mamadış şähärennän 10 km yıraqlığında Malmıc awılı da bar.

6-15. yöz zamanında Törki teleneñ İdel-Ural söyläme “y-tel” ide, ul soñraq qına “c-telgä” äwerelä başlağan, yäğni Cükätaw'nıñ iseme Yükätaw ide. s.u. Ul tawlıqta yükälär üsälär küp.

İlyas/İlyaz (i) – (Ğär-Yäh.) Allah köçe, Allah moğcízası ;) --al Beri 07:39, 17 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Despre Tine in Romanian means About you. I'm glad O-ZONE is popular in Tatarstan! Ronline from the Romanian Wikipedia
Säläm Untifler! Sorry I have not noticed your question before. Greetings from München Gangleri 05:24, 10 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Thanks!--Çernobılbalası 13:45, 10 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Säläm Untifler! In what languages? Romanian? Esperanto? ... Please give me some time. Regards Gangleri 10:40, 14 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Hi! Of course you may not to be fast. Please translate it first of all to Romanian! Thank you again! --Çernobılbalası 11:16, 14 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Hi Untifler! Thank you for your message on my swedish talk page. I'm taking a break from writing articles right now, but i might translate Kazan in the future. Best regards / Mats Halldin

Thank you! --Çernobılbalası 20:33, 16 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Hi Untifler,

I noticed you're interested in other languages like Azeri and Chuvash... if you know anybody who speaks any of these languages, you might ask them to come help :)

Hello! Of course I look for native speakers of Chuvash first of all. Azeri speakers know about Wikipedia.

--Çernobılbalası 16:49, 23 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Hello Untifler, a friend of mine just looked at the main page here and found "Tatarlar Böyek! Yäşäsen Törki Dönya!" there. While it is certainly understandable that people here like to promote tartarian wikipedia, but statements like this don't really belong on wikipedia as wikipedia itself should be neutral in regard to all countries, people and religions of the world. It would be therefore nice if you could change the formulation. --Elian (please answer on my user talk page on meta as I don't often come here)

Interesting.... I really don't know about Tatar Meta main page... It was not my job, so, probably, User:Al Beri did it. Of course I'll remove this statement.
Please, note, that Tartar word now uses for Mongolian tribes in 13th century, our language and people have only one commonly recognized name Tatar.

--Çernobılbalası 20:07, 27 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Фотография трамвая[вики-текстны үзгәртү]

Здравствуйте, уважаемый Untifler! (увы, не владею татарским языком, так что буду писать по-русски -- надеюсь, это не проблема). Я хотел бы разместить на русскоязычной википедии и WikimediaCommons сделанную вами фотографию казанского трамвая, но для этого нужно указать её лицензию. Это GNU, или Creative Commons или PD?

С наилучшими пожеланиями, Kneiphof 19:43, 11 Dec 2004 (CET)

Привет! (на сей раз-без излишнего официоза :)

По поводу лицензирования фоток – существуют следующие варианты:

  • Public Domain, т.е. всеобщее достояние. Размещяя свои произведения в Public Domain, автор отказывается от своих прав, т.е. каждый может как ему угодно использовать и изменять данное произведение.
  • GNU FDL Основная для Википедии лицензия. Произведения можно распростронять и изменять, при этом производные произведения могут распростроняться на условиях той же лицензии, что и оригинальный материал, т.е. собственно GNU FDL
  • Лицензии Creative Commons
    • CC-BY: разрешается копирование, распространение, демонстрация произведения (изображения) и основанных на нём работ при условии упоминания авторства
    • CC-ND: разрешается копирование, распространение, демонстрация произведения (изображения) и основанных на нём работ, но запрещается изменять или модифицировать произведение
    • CC-SA: распространение основанных на оригинальном произведении работ разрешается только на том условии, что они будут распространяться на условиях той же лицензии, что и оргинальная работа.

Так что можешь спокойно подумать, какой из вышеуказанных вариантов тебе ближе всего :) Лично я публикую на Википедии мои фотографии на условиях CC-BY.

Тут хотел спросить, нет ли у тебя ещё трамвайных фотографий (интересуюсь электротранспортом), а потом зашел по ссылке на http://kaztram.at.tt/ Я правильно понял, что это твой сайт? Очень хороший сайт, фоторафии хорошие. Респект.

Ну всё, на этом закруглюсь. Заглядывай к нам в гости на русскую википедию :) Kneiphof 11:22, 12 Dec 2004 (CET)

Ладно, тогда можешь подгружать всё моё как PD, так как работы мои какой-либо художественной ценности не несут, а так у людей вроде головоломки поменьше... На какую страницу подгружать на комонсках будешь?
--Çernobılbalası 19:13, 12 Dec 2004 (UTC)
В соотвествии с темой. Фото казанского трамвая -- на страницу Tram, например Kneiphof 09:37, 19 Dec 2004 (CET)

For some reason making Kostik Vento a sysop did not work; please let him look up his ID number and tell me (can be found under 'preferences').

Regarding getting the characters at the bottom: It is in MediaWiki:Copyrightwarning, you can check out the English version or some other language (I think the Spanish were the first to use it) to see how to get the nice clickable versions.

And yes, it's quite logical that using a Latin character that looks 'just like' a Cyrillic one will still look different from a real Cyrillic character, if that is what you meant by your question. - Andre Engels 01:00, 12 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Oh, I now see I didn't need to refer you to en: as your own Tatar version is using the same trick as well :-). Happy editing! - Andre Engels 01:03, 12 Dec 2004 (UTC)

> Sin öçön, mögöz yazasıñ. Öçen, mögez yazalar. Linguistik qaraşınnan, bu, älbättä, döres.

Añlatu öçen rähmät. "Tuğan tel" bäxäsenda soragaç, häzer az ğina añladım. Yazu ale bik awır, çönki min kirilica belän da niçek yazarga belmin. Minem balaçagımda ber tatarça söyläşär idek, berni yazmıça. ;((

>Ägär sin üze Başqortostannan, bu siña ğafu itärlelek.

Min üzem Almaniadan, Berlinnan ;) Ğafu itärlek mikän? ;)))) Alaudo 15:41, 18 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Ğafu itärlek, älbättä. Min Qazanda yäşägändä telne äybät öyränmädem - bu ğafu itärlek tügel. 8(
Min da bit Qazanda tudım häm üstem. Xäzer ğenä Almaniyaga aspirantura öçen kildım. Alaudo 12:39, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Sin Belingä qädär nindi töbäktä yäşädeñ?

Min Qazannıqı, Mäskäü rayonında yaşädem, yaña vokzal krıenda. Alaudo 12:39, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)
ps İkese yazunıñ iñ zur awırlığı x-h arasında ayırması. Räxmät yazıla..
Räxmät!! ;))) Alaudo 12:39, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)

pps Esperanto isemendä u qoşçıq belän niçek äytelä?
Qıska "u" kebek. Minem isememda ul "udarenije" öçen ğenä kiräk, çönki ğädätle "u" yazgaç ul Alaudo bulaçak, ä ul Alaŭdo bularga tieş. "Alaŭdo" ul urısça "жаворонок" bula (tatarça belmim ;( ). Çın isemem "Aleksandr" wä "İskender". Alaudo 12:39, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)

--Çernobılbalası 18:52, 18 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Ägär sine Esperanto qızıksındıra, bezenen bäxäskä tağın kil! Alaudo 12:39, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Ударение - basım, жаворонок - turğay. Min döres añlağaç, Alaudo Tatar transkripsiädä [alawdo] bula... Tatar telendä sínharmonizm eşli. kildem, çönki ı - qalın, e - yomşaq. Şul säbäple dä qızıqsınam, çönki q häm ğ qalın süzlärdä, k, g - yomşaqlarda. İskänädär. :*) Urısça. Tatarça - zur xäreftän başlanalar, çönki törle tellärdä xalıqlarnıñ häm tellärneñ isemnäre zur xäreftän yazalar... Başqa süzlär öçen "İ tuğan tel"dän süzlekne download itergä bula --Çernobılbalası 11:01, 20 Dec 2004 (UTC)